Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for admission to College Unbound?
College Unbound seeks to serve all persons regardless of race, religion, creed, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, national or ethnic origin, incarceration history or disability in the administration of its admissions, educational, and employment policies, as well as in the policies governing all programs that it offers or administers.
Would I graduate with a Bachelor’s degree from College Unbound?
Yes! Upon completion of 120 credits, you will receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership and Change. College Unbound staff work with you to develop a project-based course of study within this major that is focused on a subject that is meaningful to you.
How long will it take to complete my degree with College Unbound?
College Unbound is committed to helping students complete their degrees as quickly as possible. The amount of time it will take to complete your degree depends on how many transferable credits you have when you enter the program, which will determine how many credits you need to achieve a minimum of 120 credits for a Bachelor’s degree. During the admissions process, College Unbound staff conducts a comprehensive evaluation of all of your previous credits to help determine how long it may take for you to complete your degree.
Are all of the credits I earned from other colleges transferable to College Unbound?
Most course credits from a regionally accredited college are transferable to College Unbound, assuming that you received a grade of “D” or better in these courses, with the exception of English Composition and courses that were applied to your major, in which case you must have received a grade of “C” or better. Courses you may have taken as prerequisites or for developmental reasons may not transfer. Credit granted by your previous college by proving specific competencies through accepted standardized tests, such as the CLEP exam, may also be transferable. All of this information appears on your official college transcript(s). College Unbound staff thoroughly evaluate your previous coursework to ensure that you receive all possible credit for your earlier academic efforts.
Is it possible to receive credit for life experience?
Yes! Please note that your experience is evaluated not based an accounting of your experience, but rather on the knowledge that you gained as a result of your experience. The assessment is an evaluation of deep, meaningful learning that would match what you might achieve in a course at an accredited college.
Do I need an official transcript from the college I previously attended?
Yes, you must submit an official transcript from your previous college as part of your application to College Unbound. Official transcripts are marked with the college’s seal, signed by the registrar, and come directly from the college in an envelope that must remain sealed to be considered valid documentation. Since a transcript is private information, only you can request your transcript(s) from your previous college(s). You should request your transcript(s) as soon as you begin the application process so your admission and enrollment is not delayed. You should request that the transcript(s) be sent directly to College Unbound’s Admissions Office at PO Box 28173, Providence, RI 02908. If you have the transcript sent to you at your home, it must still be in a sealed envelope from your previous college when it is delivered to College Unbound. The College also gladly accepts official electronic transcripts sent directly from the other institution.
Will my previous college send my transcript if I still owe money?
Any outstanding debt you have with your previous college must be resolved before your transcript will be released and earlier credits made transferable. College Unbound’s financial planning expert will work with you to identify the steps you need to take with your previous college to clear your outstanding debt.
How much does tuition cost at College Unbound?
Tuition in 2024-2025 is $459 per credit hour for the first 12 credit hours each semester. College Unbound’s financial planning expert works with students to secure financial aid through scholarships and grants that keep attendance affordable.
When are tuition and fees due?
Tuition is due prior to the start of classes at the beginning of each term. A bill is provided to students as soon as they have completed the course enrollment process prior to each term.
How many days/hours a week will I spend attending class, meeting with my advisors, and completing my coursework?
All students are required to attend one weekly seminar that usually meets on Tuesday nights. You are also required to take part in discussion groups with your peers, complete and submit your coursework online, and meet regularly with your advisors. There will be additional coursework and requirements for any elective courses you take. At College Unbound, your schoolwork isn’t separated from the rest of your life, but instead is integrated into your life and addresses your personal interests and the issues you address in your job. Your College Unbound advisors and classmates will remind you that this is a commitment you are making to yourself and your future that requires planning and follow-through to meet your goals.