Elizabeth Araujo Haller "I used to be defensive about my choices, now I am not defensive about mychoices. After graduation, I will still be my imperfect self."
Clairable Mejia "I would like to thank my family, friends, my cohort (extended family) for consistently believing in me and supporting me with their positive wisdom."
Rosalinda Velilla "After graduation I will be self-employed by a boss that I love and really has my best interest at heart."
Michelle Miceli "My advisor asked me recently, 'If you could talk to Michelle from a year ago, what would you say?' I thought for a few seconds...I would say: 'This has been your dream since you were a kid. Don’t let anyone hold you back. You’ve got this!'"
Cheryl Isom "I have experienced many detours on the journey of a B.S. degree. I am proud to be the first of my mother’s children as well as the first female in my family to finish their degree. I thank my family, friends & CU for their endless support."
Anjel Newmann "My work primarily focuses on working with young people, especially those who have been most impacted by systems of oppression, to realize their own potential through the arts. I am committed to addressing systems of racism within the arts community and educational environments."
Taina Rosario "Attending College Unbound has given me the opportunity to pursue and complete my degree while advancing my personal vision of community health through project-based learning. My goal is to develop and empower young ambassadors for health in our inner cities that will create ripples of change in their communities and the state."
Lily Torres "I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to earn my Bachelor’s degree from College Unbound. This degree will now push me further to achieving my dream of one day becoming a lawyer."
Luz M. Gonzalez "I am a New York City native and Human Resources enthusiast, who loves the arts. I love to utilize my love of children, shared experiences, and organizational management to spread joy and enhance work experiences."