Elizabeth Ferreira "Now I'm a black woman, mother, wife, daughter, older sister that has a bachelor's degree and is feeling accomplished."
Elisabeth DeAndrade Phillips "...I am the first born Cape Verdean American in my immediate family to have my Bachelor’s degree! I am so proud of my journey."
Dianne Ford "Now I am a proud, empowered, vocal leader and advocate, with her Bachelor’s Degree, and infinite opportunities to make change."
Debra Jonfelix "...Now I am more solid in who I am, no longer blocked in my mindset, only seeing open doors in front of me."
Debbie Crenca "...After graduation I will be traveling to Liberia, West Africa to meet with my team on the ground to begin our work in WASH-water sanitation and hygiene."
Christine Loesch "...After graduation I will use my leadership skills in my new role as a Human Resources Business Partner."
Christina Cotto "...Now I am proud, standing up tall with hope and excitement for all that is ahead of me."
Ceara Nichols "My project: I'm starting a business of creating upcycled clothing to encourage creative eco-friendly practices."
Anita Bruno "After graduation I will continue my journey of adding new tools to my ever growing tool box...".