Lisa Arundale Furtado

I am the proud mom of two sons, Joseph & Jonathan, and two beautiful grandchildren who light up my life. Over the past 35 years, I have dedicated my professional life to working with high-risk children and families. As the Special Needs Director for Therapeutic Child Care Services, Dr. Day Care, and Kids Klub, I oversee the inclusive child care programs for the children with special needs. I met my professional mentor Mary Ann Shallcross Smith 15 years ago and this position has made a huge impact on my professional life, personal life and education. In addition to the support that I received, I began to believe in myself and recognize the talents that I have to offer. At this time, she introduced me to a representative from College Unbound and it was a perfect educational opportunity for me at this time of my life to complete my degree. As a five-year breast cancer survivor and with the support of my parents, family, friends, advisors and mentors, I now feel prepared to move forward in furthering my education and have been accepted into a Master’s program to complete my degree in Social Work. I will always be forever thankful to CU for this life changing opportunity. -Lisa Arundale Furtado, CU Alumni (Bachelor of Science Degree in Individual Studies)